Pre-Publication copy available for viewing

Hello Ottawa Folkies.
In mid-August we hurriedly decided to get Joyce MacPhee’s notes, “A History of the Ottawa Folk Festival: 1994 – 2012”,  published in time for the 25th Festival celebrations at CityFolk this year. We almost made it! We  had proof copies on display in the Memories part of the Aberdeen Pavilion, where all the 25th Anniversary celebrations were happening.
What we’ve done is combine Joyce’s history with images from each year to create an approximately 120 160 page (and growing), large-format, book. Now that the proof copy is printed we will be continuing to work on filling out the images through until the publication date of approximately October 20th November 15th. We hope that you will pre-order your copy(s) at the Festival or by email to
We are also adding an index to help you find out when that particular act that you remember seeing some year was really playing.
To guarantee that you get your copy in the first printing we will ask for a $10 down-payment (on a price of $25). Orders with down-payments will definitely be available by the first third week of November. We are arranging for a book launch party later in November where you might pick them up, join your peers and enjoy some music.

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